Monday, September 14, 2009

Saying things that need to be said

1. I am still lamenting over the unfixability of my treasured laptop.

2. Today I bought a new one.

3. It is not a Mac, but alas another PC. A Dell to be specific. Rey won out, I suppose it has to happen sometimes. I get a little teary each time I hear strangers in Publix mention "iChat" or "iVideo" or something fab that starts with "i". *I* think Steve Jobs is a friggin' genius for starting everything with "i". So cute and tiny and lower cased.

4. The Dell sits, unopened, in my garage. Since about 10:30 this morning. I started thinking that there was a time, not too long ago, that I would bring a tasty little item like that home and rip right into the package. Admittedly, one small reason it sits is I feel like attaching myself to it will be betraying my old, faithful, Lady Laptop. (Although really, is she all that faithful? She did let her screen die, the lazy bitch that she is.)

5. Additional reasons I haven't ripped into it (in no particular order): vacuuming, lunch prep for L.G. (a.k.a. She Who Has a Hollow Leg in Which She Stores Food), showering, preschool pickup, and struggling to recover the data from Lady Laptop (hereinafter referred to as L.L.).

6. Other things delaying ripping into it: the continuous and ongoing struggle to remove data from L.L., the continuous and ongoing struggle to get my children to take a proper nap, the composition of this very blog post, and the fact that I am on Target's web site coveting this:

THIS my friends is a Crock-Pot buffet server. It holds 3-2.5 quart crock pots for your cooking pleasure, and After all, I Crockpot nearly as much as I microwave. And if I were to microwave less and Crockpot more, perhaps I wouldn't live in fear that my children will start glowing one day from consuming so much radiated food.

(My birthday is next week, in case you were wondering. Thursday to be exact.)

7. Lastly, I have been sewing so much that if I was wearing a big ugly dress with a powdered wig I'd be convinced I was Betsy Ross. Oh, and she didn't have new fangled things like sewing machines, so perhaps I'd need a thimble too. Amber and I have handcrafted outfits for each day at Disney, trying to keep adult male embarrassment to a minimum and child cuteness to a max. We have drafted some people into our sweatshops, but by and large for two gals who could barely thread the machine not too long ago, we are kicking-A and taking names. Don't worry about missing out. There will be pictures. Lots of them.


Amber Greenawalt said...

I never tire of reading your posts!!! Every one is so great and so YOU! I feel like I can hear you talking and see you glad I get to see you in the flesh in four sleep it's/wake-ups :)

Amber Greenawalt said...

I never tire of reading your posts!!! Every one is so great and so YOU! I feel like I can hear you talking and see you glad I get to see you in the flesh in four sleep it's/wake-ups :)